David Chang is an explorer. As much as he has accomplished—chef, author, television personality and much more—he’s always looking ahead, never satisfied, always curious. Lucky for us, that sense of adventure is on full display here in Las Vegas at his amazing restaurant, Majordomo Meat & Fish.
The sense that you are entering rarefied air becomes apparent the minute you set foot in the restaurant. It’s absolutely gorgeous, with perfectly appointed tables and an attentive waitstaff making sure your experience is impeccable. If you decide to start with a cocktail, make sure to try one of Chang’s smoked versions of either an Old-Fashioned or Negroni (a recent addition). Both are prepared tableside, and you’ll want to get your phone out to shoot the process.
Chang’s desire to think differently is apparent all over the menu. Start off with bing bread and chickpea dip to see what we mean. It’s tempting to think of it as hummus, but it is not. It’s decidedly unique, flavored with Chang’s fermented hozon spice. You can also enjoy bing bread with shaved foie gras or tingly lamb, which is just what it sounds like.
The smoke motif continues with the main courses, including a smoked prime rib dinner with bing, butter and honey, a market salad, mashed potatoes, au jus and, of course, horseradish. Or opt for the smoked whole plate bone-in short rib, served ssam-style (wrapped) with kimchi, soy daikon, ssamjang, bibb lettuce and rice. Sides are equally imaginative, including “B.S.” fries and marinated mushrooms. Seafood lovers have got to try the salt and pepper lobster, served with chilies, crispy garlic and tempura.
For dessert, make sure to try Chang’s ice cream sandwich, with small, fluffy pancakes substituting for the cookies normally used. The whole thing is dipped in chocolate, because that’s how Chang rolls.
The Palazzo, 866.659.9643
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