I am appalled by the idea of getting rid of daylight saving time. Sunset at 7 p.m. in high summer? What happened to enjoying a long summer evening? Sunrise at about 4:30 a.m. in the middle of summer? Who needs that in Nevada, given that most of us are not involved in farming.
There are also practical, life/work balance advantages to the practice. For the working stiff, daylight after work is important to get things done at home. More morning daylight is of little use, as you are against the deadline of when you must get cleaned up and go to work. More light after work time is better. You can work outside until you cannot see and then get cleaned up with no pressure.
Getting rid of daylight saving time cuts an hour of useful outside time for most of us, with the greatest effect in the spring and fall months.
I can assume only that those who favor the proposal to kill daylight saving time in Nevada are able to set their own schedules or have jobs that cut them loose at 2:30 pm. That is not the case for most of us. If you want to get rid of the time changes, request that the feds allow us to be placed in the Mountain Time Zone all year. Job done.