While viewing Rep. Dina Titus’s Facebook page, I came across an entry dated Feb. 3 at 10:45 a.m. I quote, “If you receive Social Security checks, Medicare payments or tax refunds, Elon Musk and his unvetted gang have access to your sensitive personal data. That is terrifying. “
As far as Mr. Musk and his crew being unvetted, I trust them much more than any federal government employee. Rep. Titus and the Democratic Party certainly didn’t mind millions of unvetted illegal aliens — including drug smugglers, sex traffickers, predators, thieves, gang members, killers and other malcontents — into the United States.
We the people are disgusted at the widespread corruption and fiscal mismanagement that is being exposed throughout our federal government. I say turn Mr. Musk and his mighty men loose on each and every department within the federal system. Next, start investigating our representatives in both the House and Senate. Maybe there is hope now when it comes to solving the mystery about how to become wealthy in just a few short years on such a humble salary.